***$20 registration fee. Registrations now require you to procure your own book copy.***
The Artist's Way Book Club
Are you tired of your creativity feeling blocked, but don't know how to break through? Do you have some creative projects or practices that you'd like to cultivate? Join published poet and GBIV member Melanie Weldon-Soiset for a book club voyaging through The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. The Artist's Way is a time-tested treasure that has helped countless people to grow in their self-confidence as artists, including Melanie!
In this caring and collaborative book club, we’ll meet five times over the course of fall 2024 to discuss The Artist's Way. The first session will provide introductions to each other and to the book. Sessions 2 through 5 will include time to share our experiences of practicing morning pages and artist's dates (two key exercises that Julia Cameron offers in her book), discussion of leading questions and topics from the reading, as well as a related writing prompt and contemplative exercise.
This book club offers gentle support, accountability, and structure for those who are looking to take their creative practices to the next level. We'll celebrate breakthroughs, as well as share solace for the challenges. Participants can expect to gain new insights and practices, as well as an expanded creative community.
Melanie will host this book club at her home near Providence Hospital. Drinks and light snacks will be provided. Registration is limited to 10 participants, who will receive the exact address after registration.
We'll meet on five Tuesdays this autumn from 6:30pm to 8:00pm:
Tuesday, October 1, 2024: Introductions and book distribution
Tuesday, October 22, 2024: (discuss weeks 1-3 from The Artist's Way)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024: (discuss weeks 4-6 from The Artist's Way)
Tuesday, December 10, 2024: (discuss weeks 7-9 from The Artist's Way)
Tuesday, January 7, 2025: (discuss weeks 10-12 from The Artist's Way)
The registration fee is $20 which is for the entire book club series. If you registered by September 20th, you will receive your book during the first session. If you did not register by September 20th, you will need to procure your own copy of The Artist's Way. Please only register if you can feasibly attend at least three out of five sessions.
Please email Melanie at melanie@melanieweldonsoiset.com with any questions. May this autumn be a time of creative growth!